An algorithm for solving convex feasibility problem for a finite family of
convex sets is considered. The acceleration scheme of De Pierro (em Methodos de
projeção para a resolução de sistemas gerais de equações algébricas lineares. Thesis
(tese de Doutoramento), Instituto de Matemática da UFRJ, Cidade Universitária, Rio
de Janeiro, Brasil, 1981), which is designed for simultaneous algorithms, is used in
the algorithm to speed up the fully sequential cyclic subgradient projections method.
A convergence proof is presented. The advantage of using this strategy is demonstrated
with some examples.
ArticleAccelerated perturbation-resilient block-iterative
projection methods with application to image
We study the convergence of a class of accelerated perturbation-resilient blockiterative
projection methods for solving systems of linear equations. We prove
convergence to a fixed point of an operator even in the presence of summable
perturbations of the iterates, irrespective of the consistency of the linear system.
For a consistent system, the limit point is a solution of the system. In the
inconsistent case, the symmetric version of our method converges to a weighted
least-squares solution. Perturbation resilience is utilized to approximate the
minimum of a convex functional subject to the equations. A main contribution,
as compared to previously published approaches to achieving similar aims, is
a more than an order of magnitude speed-up, as demonstrated by applying the
methods to problems of image reconstruction from projections. In addition, the
accelerated algorithms are illustrated to be better, in a strict sense provided by
the method of statistical hypothesis testing, than their unaccelerated versions
for the task of detecting small tumors in the brain from x-ray CT projection
ArticleSemiconvergence and relaxation parameters for projected SIRT algorithms
This paper is concerned with the Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Technique (SIRT) class of iterative methods for solving inverse problems. Based on a careful analysis of the semi-convergence behavior of these methods, we propose two new techniques to specify the relaxation parameters adaptively during the iterations, so as to control the propagated noise component of the error. The advantage of using this strategy for the choice of relaxation parameters on noisy and ill-conditioned problems is demonstrated with an example from tomography (image reconstruction from projections).
ArticleProperties of a class of block-iterative methods
We study a class of block-iterative (BI) methods proposed in image reconstruction for solving linear systems. A subclass, symmetric block-iteration (SBI), is derived such that for this subclass both semi-convergence analysis and stopping-rules developed for fully simultaneous iteration apply. Also results on asymptotic convergence are given, e.g., BI exhibit cyclic convergence irrespective of the consistency of the linear system. Further it is shown that the limit points of SBI satisfy a weighted least-squares problem. We also present numerical results obtained using a trained stopping rule on SBI
ArticleStopping rules for Landweber-type iteration
We describe a class of stopping rules for Landweber-type iterations for solving linear inverse problems. The class includes both the discrepancy principle (DP rule) and the monotone error rule (ME rule). We also unify the error analysis of the two methods. The stopping rules depend critically on a certain parameter whose value needs to be specified. A training procedure is therefore introduced for securing robustness. The advantages of using a trained rule are demonstrated on examples taken from image reconstruction from projections. After training the stopping rules became quite robust and only small differences were observed between, e.g. the DP rule and ME rule.
We propose and study a block-iterative projection method for solving linear equations and/or inequalities. The method allows diagonal componentwise relaxation in conjunction with orthogonal projections onto the individual hyperplanes of the system, and is thus called diagonally relaxed orthogonal projections (DROP). Diagonal relaxation has proven useful in accelerating the initial convergence of simultaneous and block-iterative projection algorithms, but until now it was available only in conjunction with generalized oblique projections in which there is a special relation between the weighting and the oblique projections. DROP has been used by practitioners, and in this paper a contribution to its convergence theory is provided. The mathematical analysis is complemented by some experiments in image reconstruction from projections which illustrate the performance of DROP.
ArticleAn inverse solidification of pure substance problem in two dimensions
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