SciLag Terms of Service

1. Introduction

The primary mission of SciLag is to host and facilitate dynamic organization of research problems in mathematics by providing free tools for mathematicians to post open problems, stemming from their research, on the internet.

The purpose of this Terms is to clarify our role as a Service provider and the way this Service can be used.

Throughout this Terms, any natural person who, as a recipient of the Service, accesses or uses the Service for any purpose is a User (“User”, “you”). Users who are logged-in to their account on SciLag will be referred to as Members, and Users who browse the content of the platform in a logged-out mode will be referred to as Visitors.

Personal Information

For the Service to function properly, we need to collect some information from you, either by asking you to provide this information or by collecting it in some cases. Thus, we ask you to check our Privacy Policy which clarifies what information we collect from you, how we collect, and what we do with that information in the course of your use of the Service.

2. Hosted content on Scilag

Users agree to the following:

Each User is the sole responsible person for any content they submit. Hence, we ask you to act with caution and responsibility when creating any material to be hosted on SciLag. In particular, when creating a content on SciLag you should refrain from certain activities outlined below (see Section 3). We reserve the right to remove your submission or even suspend your account should a violation of our Terms of Service occur.

We do not edit any material you submit to SciLag, in particular, we do not monitor the content our Members create and do not guarantee that the content hosted on SciLag and any of its web-pages represents a true and accurate information. Instead, we provide tools (such as reporting) which our Members can use to point our attention to any inappropriate material.

Although we expect our Users to be professionals in their respective fields, SciLag cannot guarantee that the content hosted on and any of its web-pages is accurate and carries no violation of any laws. Should you discover such inaccuracy in a post hosted by us, please contact the posting author or our support at

3. Inappropriate activities

When using the Service we ask you to apply common sense while you post something on SciLag. In the event of discovering inappropriate activities, we reserve the right to delete a content containing inappropriate material or suspend the user’s utilization of Service or any other measures deemed appropriate or necessary. In particular behaviour and activities which will always be deemed inappropriate when using the Service are (but not limited to) the following:

4. Password

You are responsible for protecting your own password and should never share it with anyone. If you observe an unusual activity with your account or you suspect that your account might have been compromised in some way, please change your password and contact us immediately at

SciLag will never ask you to provide your password either by email or by other means of communication.

5. License of Contents on SciLag Webpage

SciLag Users who contribute (e.g. posts, remarks, comments) grant SciLag and other Users permissions and a non-exclusive license to redistribute and reuse their contributions and the IP it might contain provided proper attribution has been given.

6. Intellectual Property (IP)

User IP: Users own their own IP. No transfer of IP Rights occurs when using SciLag Service. However, Section 5 above apply to all IP.

If Users share someone else’s IP they shall always name the source.

For clarification: Scilag users’ IP should under no circumstance be used for commercial purposes or in improper ways.

SciLag IP: The software running the Service, the site design and content, the logos and other graphics, articles and other texts, as well as the database are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws in multiple jurisdictions.

7. Closing your account

If you have created an account on SciLag, you may close it at a later time. However, if you have posts generated on the platform, it may not be deleted with your account. The content generated by you will be deleted if it was not used to generate any further content by other users. For instance, if you post a problem and other users add solution(s) to it, we will not be able to remove your posted problem when deleting your account, to avoid data inconsistency. We will, however, apply anonymization whenever possible, replacing your name on the posts by an artificially created anonymous name, and destroying links on SciLag leading to your profile.

8. Changes to this Terms

We reserve the right to modify this Terms at any time. Any updates to this note will be published on SciLag and you are advised to check the webpage from time to time for the most up to date version of this document. By continuing using our Services you agree to this Terms. If a change occurs to this Terms to which you do not agree and for that reason you wish to close your account, you may do so using your account settings on Because the Service and technologies used there are not in a static state, there are several reasons which might necessitate a change to this Terms, including but not limited to:

Last updated on 27 June 2024