Seminar Rio de Janeiro webinars on analysis and PDE

Posted online: 2021-04-04 22:50:37Z by Edgard Pimentel34

Expires At: 2021-07-16

  • Analysis of PDEs

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Blow-up solutions via parabolic gluing

Yannick Sire (Johns Hopkins U.)

Abstract: We will present some recent results on the construction of blow-up solutions for critical parabolic problems of geometric flavor. Initiated in the recent years, the inner/outer parabolic gluing is a very versatile parabolic version of the well-known Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction in elliptic PDE theory. The method allows to prove rigorously some formal matching asymptotics (if any available) for several PDEs arising in porous media, geometric flows, etc….I will give an overview of the strategy and will present several applications to (variations of) the harmonic map flow, Yamabe flow and Yang-Mills flow. I will also present some open questions.

Date and time: July 15th, 11:00AM Rio de Janeiro Local time (click here for your local time zone).

Further information, including the link to access the lecture, is available on our website.