The Department of Mathematics at the University of Tübingen invites applications for a
Postdoc position (m/f/d, 100% E 13 TV-L salary, for 2 years).
The University of Tübingen is one of eleven German Excellence Universities. Particularly its cluster of excellence „Machine Learning: New Perspectives for Science“, together with connections to the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, makes Tübingen a very attractive location for mathematical and machine learning research. The successful candidate will be mentored by Stephan Eckstein from the Department of Mathematics and benefit from this vibrant research environment.
The candidate should have an academic profile suitable for conducting mathematical research with connections to machine learning and ideally also probability theory or stochastic optimization. Concretely, below are some of the planned research topics which the position will relate to:
Computational probabilistic methods, e.g., related to optimal transport Causal inference, graphical causal models, and their probabilistic aspects Quantization of probability distributions, information geometry, rate-distortion theory Regularization, approximation, and sample complexity of stochastic optimization problems Interpretability of neural networks, e.g., using canonical correlation analysis or autoencoders Mathematical aspects of graph neural networks
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